Why Your Restaurant Needs A Digital Menu

Why Your Restaurant Needs A Digital Menu

By Jeff "Herschy" Schwerdt
December 14, 2020

What Are Digital Menus & Why Transition Today

It is no secret that the pandemic has changed the way every single business functions, especially restaurants. From limited capacity space to mandatory lock-downs on top of rising operation costs, the restaurant industry has been greatly impacted within the past year. With over 110,000 food and drink establishments forced to close across the U.S according to the National Restaurant Association Survey, the way restaurants operate has never been more important than now.

You may be wondering, how can your restaurant businesses stay afloat amidst the pandemic we are still fighting? And even furthermore than that, how can you keep both staff and consumers safe in one of the most in-person transactional type of businesses that exists?  

The opportunity for a solution to these questions can be found in creating a digital menu.

Digital menus are a simple and affordable solution for attracting customers while still operating an efficiently successful restaurant. 

As menus are one of the most key selling points to consumers ordering food, it is also one of the top five unsanitary items in a given restaurant. With both safety and success as your top priorities, this simple solution for restaurants may ultimately make or break the business. 

A digital menu is an interface that allows consumers to browse their menu options on their smartphone device. Through a quick QR code to the website link, the full menu is easily accessible and is designed for optimal user experience. Approximately 11 million U.S. households will scan a QR code in 2020 alone, so this digital method is no stranger to most customers. The code can be placed anywhere from the hostess table, on a disposable sheet of paper given per party, or even placed on the corner of each table.

There are many benefits that come along with making this shift to digital menus. First and foremost, digital menus are contactless and the safest option to minimize the interactions between staff and customers. Especially during this time with social distancing still in place, reducing the amount of shared touched surfaces plays a great role in protecting everyone in the restaurant.

Another positive outcome of digital menus for restaurants is the ability for better design and customization. With an online menu, features such as a filter, nutritional information, and allergy information can be added as user friendly tools to enhance a customer’s experience, without sacrificing design like a regular menu. As over 40% of restaurant customers in a recent study stated, digital menus are more likely to influence purchasing a product. Now is the perfect time to enhance a restaurant's menu for the overall benefit of both the customers and the business. 

The Digital Menu also gives restaurants the ability to bring in more revenue through social ordering. You can now utilize the digital menu with social ordering by linking the system to the restaurant’s Facebook. By just clicking the "View Menu & Order" button on the restaurant’s page, a Facebook tab will open containing your designed restaurant menu. Customers can now order without even leaving your restaurant's Facebook page. With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook is an easily attainable tool to increase revenue by adding a digital menu. 

To learn more about digital menus and see a live demo via the website widget or social media integration check out our live digital menu demos here.

With our solution, you are in full control of every aspect of your menu, allowing you to expand your loyal customer base & ultimately, sell more and profit.

Are You A Digital Agency? 

Want to learn how your agency can help local businesses survive and thrive in your area by offering digital menus as an add on service?

We offer a free online training webinar for digital agencies that covers the exact process our agency uses to reach out and work with restaurants in our area and around the globe from mom and pops to major brands. Register for the agency training on digital menus here.

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Jeff "Herschy" Schwerdt
I'm a former USAF F-16 Instructor Pilot turned entrepreneur. After experiencing a career ending back injury in 2007, I started working online and created my first digital agency in 2008, working with local business owners.

I'm a husband, father, international speaker, author, and the creator / co-founder of several products, software platforms, and tools designed to help internet marketers, local business owners, and digital service agencies.

Using my eight year military flying background, I focus on developing proven and repeatable systems that use easy to follow step by step processes to ensure we consistently bring in new clients using the power of automation.




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