The Connection Between Your Live Chat and Sales

The Connection Between Your Live Chat and Sales

By Jeff "Herschy" Schwerdt
July 7, 2021

 How Does Live Chat Make Money on a Website?

Did you know that more than half of all potential consumers who land on your website prefer to chat with someone in real time online? 

A live chat on your website is the most fast and direct way to get in touch with these clients who are looking at your products or services. This instant communication allows your business to chat with consumers who are interested and in the process of making a decision on whether to buy from you. Giving customers the opportunity to have their questions answered immediately by your business leads to more satisfied customers and higher sales. 

Without a live chat feature on your website, you are essentially ignoring potential consumers who are looking at what you offer. Rather than letting them leave your website with questions and hesitant in buying, you could communicate with them through live chat before they move onto something else. Operating a website without a live chat is the fastest way to lose business through e-commerce.  

Implementing a live chat feature to communicate with consumers comes along with extremely valuable benefits that will give your business a competitive advantage. On the consumer side, you are providing a support channel that is preferred, convenient, and proactive. When a potential client sees that your business has a live chat specifically for them to be assisted, they will automatically associate your brand as both professional and credible. Demonstrating the personability of your business through live chat will bring a positive impression of your brand and ultimately build relationships with now recurring customers. 

Furthermore, now that you are building strong connections through communication with your consumers, you will also in turn increase the customers loyalty of your business. According to recent research, 73% of consumers say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do when providing customer service. By providing a fast solution to customer problems, you will build a consumer base that trusts and believes in your business. And if creating a loyal consumer base was not appealing already, a live chat feature will also expand your market reach, now that your business is quickly and easily accessible. Communication goes a long way in representing and selling the brand of your business. 

Lastly, utilizing a live chat feature on your website will increase your sales revenue. Not only will you have a loyal consumer base who are recurring buyers, potential customers who visit your website looking to engage with your business are the most valuable. On average, visitors that are trying to communicate with your business via live chat are worth 4.5x more than visitors who don’t. Furthermore, by directly talking to these visitors on your website, the average order value increases by 10%. Just by communicating with your clients, you can continuously make more sales and create a larger consumer base. 

To view more statistics on why live chat is a key component to increasing your e-commerce revenue, view our infographic here. 

If you would like to learn how to convert live leads from your website successfully through implementing a live chat feature, fill out our form below.

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Jeff "Herschy" Schwerdt
I'm a former USAF F-16 Instructor Pilot turned entrepreneur. After experiencing a career ending back injury in 2007, I started working online and created my first digital agency in 2008, working with local business owners.

I'm a husband, father, international speaker, author, and the creator / co-founder of several products, software platforms, and tools designed to help internet marketers, local business owners, and digital service agencies.

Using my eight year military flying background, I focus on developing proven and repeatable systems that use easy to follow step by step processes to ensure we consistently bring in new clients using the power of automation.




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